Note: These blog series are made back in 2019 and migrated from my old website which focused around exploring Building Laws in the Philippines in the context of our individual thesis topics.
The Philippine Green Building Code, drafted last June 2015 as a Referral Code for the National Building Code is the initial effort to contribute to a global movement to achieve sustainable building designs. The Referral Code aims to lessen impacts of structures to our health and environment through the reduction of greenhouse emissions and ultimately save and conserve energy and water. Although the objective is not new and many Architects are encourage to design green buildings which through time evolved to multiple interpretations of designing green buildings.
The Referral Code was presented last August 6, 2016 by Engr. Rhonniel Caringal in partnership with DPWH, City of Mandaluyong, and other international partners. The code also adheres to Republic Act 9729 or the “Climate Change Act of 2009” which encourages the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentration and more sustainable development which is in line with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Code ultimately aims to build Green Buildings that promote efficiency, site sustainability, and low impacts to the environment.
The Code discusses 6 performance standards that will help achieve sustainable developments; one (1) Energy Efficiency, it discusses the building envelopes ventilation, insulation, glass properties, moisture protection and its color, as well as it mechanical and electrical systems that deals with air conditioning, lighting, and other equipment integrated in the building; two (2) Water Efficiency, it discusses the management, collecting, and recycling; three (3) Material sustainability, which promotes non-toxic materials, three (3) Solid waste management, four (4) Site sustainability, which involves site and ground preparation and earthworks and utilization of open spaces, lastly (5) Indoor environmental quality, which is about minimum fresh air rates and designation of smoking areas. Other provisions involve the certification of the said building in order to be classified as green building. A good example is with Green Architecture Advocacy Philippines’ (GreenAP) metric system which is used to measure if a building passes as sustainable.
Green and Sustainable buildings and development has been the advocacy of most Architects specially those involved in green initiatives. GreenAP as the long running advocates of green design for 10 years now, provides lectures, and workshops for both Architects and the aspirants. And lately, Green Restorative and Sustainable Solutions (GRASS), a newly formed green advocates, together with members of GreenAP and Pasig City, launched the first bio diverse reforestation in the city. The green building initiative does not only apply to Architects but it is encouraged to integrate all professions in building a brighter and more sustainable future.